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Respiratory Muscle Strengthening Techniques (Inspiratory Muscle Training)

Pinwheels and books make great inspiratory muscle training devices. Get or make a pinwheel ( Sitting slightly reclined with a pinwheel in front of you, breathe in through your nose and blow out with pursed lips.  See how far and long you can spin it.  Repeat 10 times, resting or stopping as needed. Work up to doing this 10 times every hour. Monitor your oxygen levels and breathing. STOP/rest if oxygen goes below 90% or breathing too hard/fast.

Progress to blowing the pinwheel when sitting upright, and then standing. Once you can spin it 6-8 inches away for a few seconds, sit slightly reclined and place a 1 pound book over your belly, and begin the same progression working up to 5 pounds without difficulty.

WARNING: Check with your physician before doing these. STOP if you experience severe shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, sudden weakness, rapid or irregular heartbeat, pain or pressure or pain in your chest, arm, neck, jaw, or shoulder. If you have severe respiratory disease (short of breath with minimal exertion) or are having any difficulty, work with a pulmonary physical therapist or respiratory therapist who can monitor you.

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